jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

the theory trough sbd (dos de dos)

The Theory through SymBioDiversity (2 from 2)
The Theory through SymBioDiversity Symbiodiversity (sbd) is like "a never-ending scientific story", like a enormous fruit from the convergence, throughout twenty of ever-growing life enjoing years, of two powerful ideas: simbiosis and diversity (=symbiosis between symbiosis & diversity; that means that we may provisionally accept that:
symbiosis is an exponential life model where more diversity imply more diversity (1)
more diversity imply more symbiosis (2)
more symbiosis imply more diversity (3)
Done the previous intuitive (intuisicientific) axiomes,
4) maybe infinitive axiomes, would ("wolud".- see note later) be possible in maybe 0ne hundreds years of scientific inquiry on the rhythms actuallly merging in the wired magazine where yoy may read that "scientific hypo-deduective method is dying, or at least boring to society, as the actual index of integration between popular culture and scientific culture (=discoveries) is gloing as the japanese train at may be 800 km/h

So, at an increase in new scientific knowlwedfge, from, maybe last 50 years, that only can be characterised as monumental, more and more new knowledge is being taken to "garbage" as maybe 99,99 % of the new theories and discoverries (like sweet fruits, sweet berries), in these 50 so much productive yeras, are being almost ever-ignoring in the classrooms at any level.
Yes, maybe you think that we are exagerating (overrating) our prognosis of the problem.
We think that to create the variable "lkt" (Losing Knowledge Tax) would help for explain that.
"lkt" is any measure of the inverse of the efficiency in the working of, actually the most important machine in the Information Society (is), that is our "brain-community", the sume or product of so much useful knowledge at the Human Population Level, and all the knowledge stored in so many ways along the human history, and also all the knowledge stored at any level in our ecosystem (maybe The Earth).

Well, imagine a three-orthogonal-vectorial system that represent the evolution (the life) of our ecosystem.
For ecosystem, in this "global science level" language, we also understand the life, for example of our universe, or the life and secrets of subatomic particles. For that all that levels of reality also builds our cotidian life, anyway we speak of (our "own" body) symbiosis, or we speak of mitosis, or genes, or any of almost "infinite" metabolic processes.
. In a congress of the International Symbiosis Society we propose "an open conversation within life" as an intuitive definition for symbiodiversity. Symbiodiversity is an ever-growing new field of synthetic scientific knowledge that was "baptised" in a regional congress on Environmental Education at Cordoba, Andalusia, in 2003, giving life to the first "CDRom" paper were this new "ever-conceiving concept" appeared.Recently, in the meanwile we tried to explain sucintly on the street "sbd" to a german visitor, we choose: "diversity living together" as another single way to approach intuitively to "sbd".Only today, we were truly aware of the power and strength of such a new term ("sbd"), because we noticed that as you divide reality in more and more pieces, you have more and more posibilities to play with the resulting growing sample.Actualy "sbd" is "an open conversation within life", where to be or not to be a human organism is not so much important. more important is that life converse within herself independently of to be a human or anything else. In this intuitive definition you

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